Sunday, December 12, 2010

125/365 [Guns and Leaves]

One more time... Today i'm almost spaming posts, i'm sorry but i'm in mood so i better use the inspiration..:p And yaaaaaaaay i got company! It's Ancor, he allready did a post with me. Check it here if you are curious..And well leaves are falling and i have a gun pointed at me, isn't it great? lol

Ancor's Style Card -

Skin -
[ DNA ] .::.:LEGACY:.::. [_TYPE 1B-E_]

Hair -
*DROT*- The Andy- Black

Jacket -
[NSD] Gallagher Parka Green - New!

Ears -
AITUI - (Type 3) -Twists

Jeans - !ZB:Sekh

Belt -
*BLITZED* Plugged Belt

Shirt -
AITUI - Low V-Neck - Plain - Grey

Shoes -
UBU PornStar Lo-Tops

Gun - :::::Brutal Weapons::::: AK-47 - Rifle (v1.0)

Ju's Style Card -

Skin -
.ILLUSORY. Skin_Paige_Warmth - Winter

Hair -
Exile Nyx/auburn - New!

Bodysuit -
Emery - Body Udna [Tdrb] + Scarf

Jacket - [SG*] 4Minute - Jacket/ Black -

Shoes - Maitreya Gold * Moxie Coal -

Ju Lomes <3

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